Friday, October 2, 2009

Have you ever tried a recipe given to you by a friend and it was terrible? Or found the perfect new outfit, then realized you had nowhere to wear it? What you need is a homecooked night out! I love getting together with other girls and chatting, eating, swapping recipes, and mostly I enjoy dressing up every once in a while. These pleasures are what led me to think of a "Homecooked Night Out". The idea is once a month a group of girls gets dressed up and meets at someones house where dinner has been prepared. Someone else has brought a yummy dessert, someone else delicious drinks, and so forth. We all try new food, enjoy fun company, and its all a free night out! Then you can easily find all the new recipes on this blog!!
If this sounds like something you are interested in let me know! I'll be starting the group dinners in November and am very excited to have fun and learn new things..